
Types of Java Applications

How many types of Java applications:

There are mainly 3 type of applications that can be created using java programming: 

1) J2SE ( Java Standard Edition )
2) J2EE ( Java Enterprise Edition )
3) J2ME ( Java Mobile Edition )

1) J2SE ( Java Standard Edition ):
      It is also known as desktop application or window-based application. An application that we need to install on every machine such as media player, antivirus etc. AWT and Swing are used in java for creating standalone applications.

  Reference to the image shown below 

        Basically Java SE encompasses three phases ( phases means,  logical layers with developing objects having precise entropy or degree of freedoms  that won't disturb the conformation of Java Platform). The Java Developing Kit delivers the packages to install API and a run time environment. 

All the above can be framed as an image shown below:

Know Java SE for sure :


2) J2EE ( Java Enterprise Edition ):
         There are three types of applications

 A) Web Application :

                      An application that runs on the server side and creates dynamic page, is called web application. Currently, servlet, jsp, struts, jsf etc. technologies are used for creating web applications in java.

 Example of Face book is simple web application:

  B) Enterprise Application:

        An application that is distributed in nature, such as banking applications etc. It has the advantage of high level security, load balancing and clustering. In java, EJB is used for creating enterprise applications.

Java Enterprise Environment:

 Example for Business Components
 C) Enterprise and Distributed Applications:

3) J2ME ( Java Mobile Edition ):

An application that is created for mobile devices. 
Currently Android and Java ME are used for creating mobile applications.
J2ME is a java platform which is customized for developing application for embedded devices like Mobile, Iphone, IPADs..., etc.   

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